
mandag 28. mai 2012

Head over heels in love

Head over heels in love

This spring I have been spluring on shoes, especially in the cute pumps category. :) I prefer low-mid heel pumps as I cant walk in anything high heeled unless looking like a fool, wriggling and tripping over simultanously. :P
Well here are some more information about my purchases in the shoes department. :)

Nik Nak heels in green from Chelsea Crew via Modcloth (currently out of stock)

Backlash in mustard from Poetic Licence, available here.

Just like honey heel in blue from Chelsea Crew via Modcloth. (currently out of stock)

Pataugas Fool, available here.

Geox Tayra, available here.

Turqoise pumps from Pataugas, available here.

Pink pumps from Pataugas.

torsdag 17. mai 2012

Happy Birthday Norway!!

Today the 17th of May is the Norwegian Constitution Day or National Day of Norway. Among Norwegians , the day is referred to simply as syttende mai or syttande mai (both meaning May Seventeenth).

This day is kind of special outfitwise as we wear our traditional costumes called "Bunad". I happen to own a costume myself, I got it at the age of 15 for my confirmation. My costume represents the area where I was born and  raised, there are about 200 different bunads, eac of them resembling a certain area/part of Norway. The bunad is considered to be one of our most valued and treasured traditional outfits and it is considered appropriate for weddings and christenings. If you have a bunad you dont need to worry about what to wear at those occasions. :)
Without further ado, here is yours truly in her bunad (pics taken a few years ago but I havent changed that much). *grins*

The day is normally spent watching the parades in our nearest city, we have one parade early in the morning consisting of children from local primary schools along with marching bands. The second parade takes place in the afternoon where everybody may join in waving our flags as we walk on. :) Here is a picture from the parade in Oslo, the capital of Norway.

And to sum it up, the Norwegian flag blowin in the wind in the mountains.

søndag 13. mai 2012

Fashion in hiding

Mitt bidrag til under kontorpulten mote, kanskje dette blir det neste store innen fashion shoots. ;) Hehehehe
Megan fra bloggen The Fashionable Bureaucrat satte meg på idèen, hennes bilde er utrolig morsomt. :)

My contribution to the hilarious under the desk picture by fabulous Megan from The Fashionable Bureaucrat. :)

Vel her har dere meg, ansiktet bak bloggen, den usminkede sannhet. :) Et heller tvilsomt ansiktsuttrykk grunnet potensiell fare for at kolleger skulle ta meg på fersken, heheheheeee!

Well, this is me in all my glory. :P Looking a little off my game here. *laughs*

Et litt mer tilforlatelig uttrykk selv om håret vingler til alle kanter. ;) En liten forhåndstitt på sist ukes antrekk. :)

Im somewhat more comfortable and more relaxed here, even manage to smile despite messy hair. :P A little preview of last week`s outfit.