I feel most at home in my floofy, swirly dresses and Im only missing the apron from being 50s housewife. :) Mind you I would make a terrible housewife other than looking the part. :P My domestic skills are nothing to write home about, Im lousy at making dinner but at least I make decent cakes. ;)
I have the same dress in red as well, previously seen here. Im so glad I bought them both, Im really really fond of them and can see me wearing them lots and lots. :)
Another kitty party pooper, this time its my parents old cat which they left with us when they moved to the city. You see Im living in the same house where I grew up and the farm is my fathers but soon to be ours - me and mr. Izzywizz ( in a few months).
A close up as usual. :) Gah, I have been trying to get my hands on one of the dresses from the Missoni collaboration with Lindex but to no avail *le sigh*. I even signed up as a VIP customer, having access to the webshop at 6.pm this evening but I had to wait in que for more than 1,5 hours before I got in, and by then everything was sold out.........I have a new chance at midnight but then the shop will be open to everyone, talk about online ques then *djeeeeeeeeeeeeez* Some shops will open early tomorrow but then I will be at work......*ponders*
What Im wearing:
Cardigan from Mango
Dress from Ellos (Swedish brand)
Belt from Noa Noa
Tights from Sneaky Fox
Shoes from Din Sko (Swedish brand).
Im joining the Visible Monday party at Not Dead Yet Style.